Welcome to the official site of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church located in the heart of the North Valley - Albuquerque, New Mexico. If there is anything we can do to help you, please contact us. We are praying for each of you. We hope you enjoy our site and find our site useful, please visit the site often as the Site is always being updated. Thank you and God Bless.
Mass Times
Saturday - 4:00 PM
Sunday - 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM,
10:45 AM (Spanish), and 12:30 PM.
(For those of you who would like to come to Mass, but need to isolate for some reason (age, illness etc.), we are broadcasting the Masses on 88.1 FM into the parking lot. We will come out to distribute communion).
Mt. Carmel Mass - 5:30 pm on Tuesdays
ALL are welcome here at Nativity!
Office Hours
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Ring the doorbell and a staff member will come out to help.
Faith Formation Office hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 12 PM and 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturdays - 3:00 PM in the Church. On the first Saturday of the month, confessions are heard in Spanish.
OFFERINGS – Please continue to provide your weekly offerings to the Parish. For those without electronic giving, please drop your envelope at the office or put it in the mail slot to the left of the front door.
ONLINE GIVING: Donate online to our Parish! Use this QR Code to donate to our Sunday Collections, Special Collections, or our Saint Vincent de Paul Society. It is quick, easy, and reduces the need for envelopes. We thank you for your generosity!
E-MAIL – If you are a member of Nativity and haven’t provided your e-mail to the Parish Office, please do so. Call Dolores at 505-340-0423. This is a great way to get notified of real-time changes.
Ash Wednesday Mass Schedule
Masses will be at:
7 am
9 am
12:15 pm and
5:30 pm
Communion Services will be at:
3:30 pm and 7 pm
News and Events
ASH WEDNESDAY: Is approaching quickly. We will have Mass at 7:00 am, 9:00 am, 12:15 pm and 5:30 pm. We will offer a communion service at 3:30 pm and 7 pm. We still need lectors at 7:00 am and 3:30 pm and Eucharistic Ministers for all services EXCEPT 12:15 pm. If you would like to lector or serve as Eucharistic Minister for any of these services, please call the office at 505-340-0420 or e-mail Deacon Michael at deaconmichael@n-bvm.org. Please give us contact information so we can let you know when we have scheduled everyone.
PALMS FOR ASH WEDNESDAY: The Parish Office is accepting palms to be burned for Ash Wednesday. Please cut, bag, and bring your palms to the office during open hours.
LENTEN SOUP SUPPERS: Lenten Soup Suppers will be held after Stations of the Cross each Friday during Lent, beginning at 5:30 pm. Anyone is invited to bring a soup even if you are not a member of the ministries. Help our ministries with this important Lenten service. Come join us for Lenten fellowship!
Staff and St. Vincent de Paul, March 7th
Religious Education, March 14th
Catholic Daughters, March 21st
Altar Society, March 28th
Mass Ministries (Lectors, Homebound Ministers, Ushers, Eucharistic Ministers) April 4th
Knights of Columbus, April 11th
IN-PERSON VIRTUS IN ENGLISH: There is a Virtus Training Scheduled in English at St. Therese Parish for 1 March 2025 at 10:00 a.m. To register for the training please contact Annette at 505-831-8144.
THE FRANCIS HOUSE: If you would like to donate to support the Francis House, please bring your clean clothing (women’s, children’s, or men’s) to the Parish Office and we will store them. We also take shoes and jackets. We especially need men’s shoes, boots, and jackets right now. We also need a full-size mattress box. Thank you for your generosity!
MEN’S GROUP: The Men’s Group program titled “Bible Timeline” has resumed on Thursday nights at 6 pm in the Pastoral Center. Please contact Art Martinez directly at ajmartinez@1791.com or contact the Parish Office with questions. Please invite all of your male friends to attend.
Rebuild My Church
This is the QR Code and URL to the final survey that our Parish participated in. Please take time to view the results.
CRS Rice Bowls
This year, Rice Bowl is celebrating its 50th birthday! Below are links to letters of support from Archbishop Wester. Please take time to read the letters and thank you for your continued support!
Archbishop letter regarding CRS Collection and CRS Rice Bowl for Lent
Archbishop letter regarding CRS Collection and CRS Rice Bowl for Lent in Spanish
Where Does Our Lenten Rice Bowl Money Go?
LENT… is right around the corner. Join our book group as we meditate on the Seven Last Words of Jesus on the Cross. If you are unable to join us for the actual group, keep an eye on the bulletin and our website for reflection questions so you can journey with us at your own pace. If you are interested in participating in group discussion on Wednesdays, Thursdays, or Saturdays at 10 am, please RSVP to Nicole at ngarcia@n-bvm.org or 505-340-0421.
74TH ANNUAL BROTHER MATHIAS ST. PATRICK’S DAY DINNER CELEBRATION OF FAITH AND SERVICE: This dinner will be held here at Nativity on March 17th from 4 pm to 8 pm at the Parish Hall. Tickets will be sold at the door and are $17 for adults and $7 for children. Takeout is available! For more information go to gscnm.org or call Deacon Steve at 505-249-6416 or Heather at 505-243-2527, ext. 303.
ALTAR PICTURES: We have three photos without any contact information on them. If these are yours, please come to the Parish Office to pick them up. Thank you!
HOLY YEAR PILGRIMAGE TO EASTERN EUROPE: May 19-31, 2025. 13 days. Spiritual directors, Frs. Nathan Libaire and Juan Mendez. Places to visit: Warsaw, The Black Madonna Monastery, Sr. Faustina Shrine, Krakow, Prague, Vienna, Melk Abbey, Budapest, and many other beautiful places. $4,884.00 double occupancy. Covers transportation from Albuquerque, 4 or 5-star hotels, 2 daily meals, luxury motor coach, and tour guides. For more information call 505-217-9460. Or contact Holy Land Travel Center Albuquerque.
PRIVATE ADORATION AND PRAYER: For private adoration and prayer at St. Anne’s Chapel, please come to the Parish Office and we will give you access to the Chapel.
WELCOME TO FORMED.ORG!: Nativity Parish has purchased a subscription for its Parishioners to Formed, a Catholic app that can be viewed on your Smart TV, phone, tablet, or computer. This wonderful app is full of Catholic content including books, audio content, movies, series, seasonal sections, and more. The app also has content in Spanish. It is suitable for all ages! In order to use the app, go to the web and visit: formed.org. Click “Sign Up.” Select “Sign Up as a Parishioner.” Find Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary by parish name, address, or zip code (87114). Enter your email and you are in! Please call the Parish Office if you have trouble connecting and enjoy Formed!
Parish Photos
News From the Archdiocese
Note from Archbishop John C. Wester, discussing the noble works of Catholic Charities: click one on links for information: YouTube | Catholic Charities webpage
Father Chike's Rebuild My Church Survey
Rebuild My Church Initiative_English | Rebuild My Church Initiative_Spanish
Bulletin Email Notification
Bulletin Email Notification - Once you Subscribe - you will receive an email each week when the new bulletin is available
- Fr. Chike Uba, Pastor
- Deacon Michael Illerbrun, Deacon Coordinator
- Dolores King, Office Administrator
- Jennifer Hogans, Office Assistant
- Francesca Twiss, Director of Faith Formation
- Kim Chavez, Youth Minister
- Nicole Garcia, Faith Formation Secretary
- John Twiss, Plant Manager
- Diego Garcia, Custodian