We would like to give a BIG thank you to the following businesses: El Pinto, Holy Family Religious Store, Wild Birds Unlimited, Small Cakes, Dion's on 4th Street, Acxion Broker, Sadies, Smiths, Jericho, Garson's Church Supplies, NBVM Knights of Columbus, and Solbeam Productions!
GAME DAY: Sunday, March 30th from 1:30-3:30 pm in the Pastoral Center. Join us for snacks, Ping Pong, and board games!
Thank you to the following young adults and teens for making our Teen Stations of the Cross such a success: Aly Chavez, Jack Hogans, Olivia Medina, Gabriel Lopez, Destiny Delgado, Ava Martinez, Toby Martinez, Myriam Allred, Kayden Miller, Hayden Maestas, Solara Tafoya, Wesley Fernandez, and Father Chike for supporting our Youth Ministry.
We need a few more readers for our Children’s Stations of the Cross on Friday, March 28th at 5:30 pm in the church. Please email kchavez@n-bvm.org to volunteer. Please bring the Children in your life to our event this day!
Call to all adults. We are looking for more youth ministry volunteers. We need Parishioners that can help plan, chaperone, and like to have fun! Please email Kim Chavez at kchavez@n-bvm.org if you are interested. Commitment is usually one planning meeting a month and 1-2 events with Youth a month.
Mark your Calendars! Youth children will be leading the Children's Stations of the Cross on March 28th at 5:30 pm in the church. Please join us in this Lenten prayer!
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