Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Society of St. Vincent de Paul

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is an international Catholic organization of laymen and women (Vincentians) who seek, in a spirit of justice and charity and by person-to-person involvement and home visits, to help those who are suffering.

Vincentians seek through prayer, meditation on scriptures and Church teachings, through their daily lives and in their relationship with those in need, to bear witness to the love of Christ.

Vincentians provide personal and neighborly help by organizing themselves into small working groups known as Conferences (that operate within church parish boundaries).

Funds come primarily from the Sunday parish collection and other donations.

Persons in need should call the St Vincent de Paul conference at Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish at 505-241-9524 and follow the instructions for a St. Vincent de Paul Society representative to return their call. Calls are returned in the order that they are received and assistance normally takes between three to five days to complete.

Granting of assistance is based on the following criteria:

You attend Nativity mass as a registered parishioner

You live within the boundaries of Osuna to the south the Rio Grande river to the west, Roy Ave to the north and I-25 to the east.

Assistance is granted if funds are available and if volunteers are available.

If interested in becoming a Vincentian of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary conference we meet every first and third Thursday of the month at the Pastoral Center.

Contact: Call 505-241-9524 if you have any questions.



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