The Mass intentions are for those who are deceased, ill, or for special intentions. Mass intentions are available on all Mass days, including Holy Days and holidays. Weekend Mass intentions are reserved for the deceased. Up to three names with the same last name can be said in one intention. Intentions will be received on a first-come, first-served basis.
Therefore, the date of the Mass cannot be guaranteed.
The requested Mass stipend is $10.00, which directly supports the church.
Mass 9:00 am Special Intention in Thanksgiving to the Infant Jesus of Prague by Rosalie Sandoval
Mass 9:00 am +Mary Ann Garcia by Family
Mass 5:30 pm MT. CARMEL
Mass 9:00 am +Loretta and +Alice Rodarte by Family
Mass 9:00 am
Mass 9:00 am +Domatilia Chavez by Florela Salas, +Dominic and +Caitlyn Fuentes by Josephine Martinez
+Laura Padilla by Family, +Dolores Chavez Duran by Family, +George and +Mary Bello by Family
7:30 am +Laura Padilla, +Angie Lovato-Ortiz by Family, +Rosalyn and +Meliton Garcia by Family
9:00 am +Bishop Arthur N. Tafoya by Benny and Berna Martinez, +Anna, +Maria P., and +Jose H. Lucero by Family, +Daniel A. Sandoval, Jr. by Daniel and Rosalie Sandoval
10:45 am +Germanico Meza by Family, +Blanca Meza by Family, +Margarita Meza by Family
12:30 pm +Daniel Rodriguez by Family, +Della and +Miguel Ortega by Jo Ann Ortega, +Bennie G. Tafoya by Paul Tafoya and Family
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