Sara Perea, Inez Morris, Marcela Lucero Garcia, Dolores Bello, Abel Gamboa, Jill Montoya, Megan Baca, Gilbert Portillos, Amada Zaleski, Chris Hoden, Louella Galbiso, Mary Jane Galbiso, Daniel Martinez, Servano Aguirre,Brian Dodge, Julius Meyer, Julio Meyer, Mercedes Garcia, Joe Broker, Wyatt James Vaughn, Paula Raquel, Bibbey, and Rick Gutierrez, Marilyn Ruybal, Miranda Risley, Clyde Trujillo, Kimberly Gonzales, Paul Mora, Theresa Torrez, Steven Cordova, Susan Miller, Julie Chavez, Annabelle Lucero, and Mary Dodge
PRAYER LIST: Names that have been inactive for several months have been removed from the prayer list. If you have requested a name to be placed on the prayer list and no longer need it to be on the list, please call the Parish Office to remove the name. This helps to make room for others who are in need of our prayers. Thank you to those who pray for parishioners on the prayer list!
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